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Saturday, August 20, 2011

STROKE -Clinical Manifestasion

  1. Asymptomatic
  2. Focal brain dysfunction
Ø  TIA ( Transient ischemic attack )
Ø  Stroke
  1. Vascular dementia
  2. Hypertensive encephalopathy
Ø  Definition :
                Stroke is brain dysfunction, sadden and very rapid development of symptoms, focal or global, caused by only primary cerebrovascular disease which persistence of the neurologic deficit for longer than 24 hours or die.
Ø  Primary cerebrovascular disease is refere to the risk factors
Ø  Global brain dysfunction is refere to unconsciousness status
Ø  TIA if neurologic deficits last completelly less 24 hours
Improving stroke
Ø  Complete recovery of neurologic deficit between 24 hours to 3 weeks
Ø  Progresivity of nneurologic deficit, qualitative and quantitative, either anamnestic or follow up
Ø  50 % of cases in several minutes and hours
Ø  Divided in :
ü  Smooth worsening
ü  Steplike worsening
ü  Fluctuating worsening
  1. Carotid system
Ø  Visual disturbances
ü  Contralateral homonymous hemiamianopsia
ü  Amaurosis fugax ( TIA )
Ø  Higher cortical dysfunction
ü  Aphasia
ü  Agnosia
  1. Vertebrobasiler system
Ø  Visual disturbances
ü  Homonymous hemianopsia
ü  Cortical blindness ( TIA : blackout )
Ø  Others
ü  Loss of balance
ü  Vertigo
ü  Diplopia

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